Thursday, August 7, 2008

Faxes Sent to Wolf on July 23; Any Answer Yet?

On July 24, we reported:
The Feder campaign was alerted yesterday that Congressman Wolf's office was refusing to answer questions about his position on the Iraq War, and demanding instead that constituents fax their request for information to his Washington, DC office.

"I just think it's outrageous that the Congressman's staff couldn't be bothered to answer questions about where he stands on the issues important to his district," said Feder. "The voters of the 10th District ought to be able to pick up a phone and get answers from their Congressman — especially a Congressman who is known for constituent services."
Speaking of outrageous, but it's now August 7 - over two weeks after Wolf said to fax your questions about Iraq - and we still don't have an answer. At this point, it's hard to conclude anything else except either: 1) Wolf doesn't know what his position is on Iraq; or 2) Wolf knows full well what his position is on Iraq but doesn't want to share it with his constituents. Either way, it's not acceptable. So...will Wolf respond to this basic question before or after he's voted out of office on November 4? :)

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