Friday, August 29, 2008

Feder Campaign Statement on Obama Nomination

A statement from the Feder for Congress campaign on Barack Obama's nomination for president:
Last night, Senator Barack Obama made a powerful case for the need to change the direction of our country.

On Iraq, health care and our stagnant economy he made it clear that America simply cannot afford four more years like the last eight.

To make change a reality in 2009, we’ll need to elect candidates committed to ending the war in Iraq, getting affordable health care for every American and jump starting our economy, up and down the ticket.

Thanks to your help, we’re on the air incredibly early making Judy’s case for change. We set a goal of raising $75,000 online in August to help fund our early ad buy and as of this morning we were at $71,124.

Click here to help us raise the final $3,876 and reach our August goal!

We’ve received an overwhelmingly positive reaction to our ad “28 years,” but we need your help to make our on-air presence even stronger.

Click here to help us raise the final $3,876 and reach our August goal!

Thank you so much for your support. With your help, the Obama-Warner-Feder ticket is going to deliver the change we need on November 4th.

Luke McFarland
Campaign Manager

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