Monday, January 7, 2008

"A New Day in Loudoun"....and America!

The Washington Post writes that it's a "New Day in Loudoun," and "time for a middle course."
...Upon taking office four years ago, the Republicans who then controlled the Board of Supervisors immediately launched what amounted to a coup d'etat, stripping Chairman Scott K. York (I) -- the board's only member elected countywide -- of most of his powers. They then embarked on a growth-at-all-costs policy that bore little relation to either their campaign promises or the stated desires of most county residents. So much for the will of the people.

Thus it was gratifying the other day to see a newly elected board take office, shorn now of the Republican majority that was defeated at the polls. And it was heartening to watch it take up, as its first official business, the restoration of Mr. York's albeit mostly symbolic powers. That alone will not heal the wounds caused by the last board's arrogance, but it was a start.
Right, "it was a start" in Loudoun County. And, come November, it can be a "start" in Washington, DC as well, with a new president and a new representative for the 10th district. Go Judy!

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