Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Red to Blue" in the 10th?

The Connection Newspapers has an article up entitled, "Year In Review: Red to Blue? RoVa to NoVa?" Here's an excerpt:
Virginia Democrats hope to carry the momentum through 2008 and win the seat currently held by retiring U.S. Sen. John Warner (R- Va.) as well as two congressional seats currently held by Republicans Tom Davis and Frank Wolf. Former Gov. Mark Warner (D) will be the likely nominee for the 2008 senate race against a Republican field that includes former Gov. Jim Gilmore.

Out of both the Republican and Democratic candidates running the 10th congressional district, prolific fundraiser Judy Feder is considered a strong candidate against Wolf, though the incumbent garnered 57 percent of the vote against Feder in 2006.
Exactly right, Judy Feder IS a strong candidate, the 10th district's trending from "red to blue" (see the tight race between Karen Schultz and Jill Holtzman Vogel this past year), and Frank Wolf's continuing to rubber stamp George W. Bush. It's time for a change in 2008, and Judy Feder's going to provide that change.

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