Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Judy Feder Speaks on "Our Troubled Health Care System"

What Judy Feder's been up to recently. I'll post the speech transcript as soon as it's available.
Our Troubled Health Care System: Why Is It So Hard to Fix?
Judy Feder, Professor and Dean, Georgetown Public Policy Institute

Friday, October 19, 2007, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel
801 University Avenue, Syracuse, NY

Judy Feder, Ph.D.
, was the 2006 Democratic nominee for Congress in Virginia's 10th Congressional District. She is one of the nation's leaders in health policy—most particularly, in efforts to understand and improve the nation's health insurance system. A widely published scholar, her policy research began at the Brookings Institution, continued at the Urban Institute, and, since 1984, has flourished at Georgetown University. Her expertise on the uninsured, Medicare, Medicaid, and long-term care is regularly drawn upon by members of Congress, Executive officials, and the national media. Feder earned her BA from Brandeis University, and her Master's and PhD from Harvard.

In contrast to Judy's expertise on health care issues, Frank Wolf has consistently voted in lockstep with his Republican leadership and their friends in the insurance industry. He voted to allow insurance companies, not doctors and patients, to make health care decisions. He supported an HMO reform bill that John McCain said “favors the H.M.O. over the patient.” He opposed legislation to help small businesses afford health care legislation by opening up the federal health care system. And he supported legislation that gutted state protections for diseases like diabetes, breast cancer and cervical cancers, and even voted to allow insurance companies to drop coverage for patients with serious illnesses.

At this time of scares about MRSA, wouldn't we rather have someone who knows a bit about health care than someone who has the record described above?

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