Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Frank Wolf on Earth Day

It's Earth Day, and here's a reminder why Frank Wolf needs to be replaced as the 10th CD's congressperson.

*Wolf has voted time and again against clean, renewable energy.

*Those votes have earned Wolf dismal ratings from the League of Conservation Voters - a 27% average over the past 5 years. Awful.

*On December 6, 2007, Frank Wolf voted against H.R. 846, "Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendments to the Bill (H.R. 6), Creating Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation Act." Again, what does Frank Wolf have against the environment and energy security?

*On January 18, 2007, Frank Wolf voted against H.R. 6, the "Creating Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation Act."

*Wolf has voted repeatedly to maintain tax breaks for Big Oil, even while those companies pollute the environment and rake in record profits.

The bottom line is this: on the environment alone, 10th CD voters should replace Frank Wolf with Judy Feder in November. If not, we'll keep getting the same anti-environment garbage that I've listed above. No thanks.

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