Wednesday, April 9, 2008

If This Were Frank Wolf...

If this were Frank Wolf, would he be bragging about how he voted over and over again to spend rubber stamp George W. Bush's strategic and tactical mistakes in Iraq? As Judy Feder said the other day: the poorly planned and misguided war now enters its sixth year, Rep. Frank Wolf continues to be a rubber stamp for George Bush’s failed approach, consistently voting against a responsible end to the war.

Despite five full years, nearly 4,000 brave American soldiers killed, and more than half a trillion dollars spent, Frank Wolf continues to stand in the way of change...

Sad but true. Fortunately, 10th CD voters have a choice this year -- Judy Feder.
...if I'm elected to Congress, I will do what Frank Wolf refuses to do – end the war, support a responsible of redeployment of our troops, rebuild our military, and honor the debts owed to the brave men and women who have served their country.

Go Judy, and help get us out of this mess!


Anonymous said...

this blog is a perfect example of why judy has no shot in gods green earth...i dont think this page has one comment in six months and any thread...poor, poor judy

Scott Nolan said...

anonymous, you are wrong

The real reason no one comments is that blogger is hideously crappy software that makes it very difficult to comment.

Any chance Farewell Frank can me moved to something from this century? (WordPress, Moveable Type, etc)

Lowell said...

I'm not sure if we'll be moving off of blogger, but I agree that it's not the greatest for commenting. On the other hand, some people don't like SoapBlox or scoop because you have to register. The bottom line is that 95% or more of people are "lurkers" - people who read blogs but don't comment. Until your traffic really starts getting big, you usually don't get a lot of big deal.