Monday, April 7, 2008

Judy Feder: "Triple-A health care reform-- NOW!"

Over at the blog Down With Tyranny, Judy Feder -- one of the nation's leading experts on health care -- has a guest blog post entitled, "LET'S KEEP OUR EYES ON THE BALL: Universal Healthcare Coverage Now!" From DWT's intro:
...Professor Feder-- who was also the Dean of Georgetown University's much heralded Public Policy Institute-- is a recognized expert on an issue topmost on many people's minds this year: health care. In Congress she will start out not as just another freshman, but as one of the policy experts on an issue that has to be dealt with seriously. Her work at the Brookings Institution, Urban Institute and as staff director for the bipartisan Congressional Pepper Commission for comprehensive health care, plus stint at the Department of Health and Human Services, where she worked to expand health insurance coverage and manage Medicare and Medicaid effectively, make her uniquely qualified to play a major role in developing solutions to the very real problems facing out country's medical system after 8 years of Bush Regime malfeasance.

In contrast to Judy Feder's extensive expertise on health care, Rep. Frank Wolf...well, to be polite, let's just say that Judy Feder has more health care expertise in her pinky than Frank Wolf does in his whole body. For instance, see here and read about how "Frank Wolf Fails on Mental Health." See here for "Frank Wolf's vote against [health care] coverage for children." Also read about how "Wolf's dismal record on healthcare includes voting to allow insurance companies, not doctors and patients to make healthcare decisions, gutting state protections for diseases like diabetes and breast cancer and repeatedly voting against potentially life saving stem-cell research."

This year, as we all know, it's time for a change in many areas. Health care is certainly one of those areas. Reason #1 to vote for Judy Feder, the next representative from the 10th Congressional district of Virginia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Question for Judy: If you are someone who can solve our health care crisis, why is it you don't have a plan outlined? Seems odd to me.